


Nature Quiz

How well do you know our planet? From forests and oceans to animal species and the environment, test your nature knowledge.

You’ll find 50 questions divided into 5 rounds, so gather round for some scientific quizzing.

Round 1 – Natural Phenomena

1 – How are earthquakes measured?

2 – Volcanoes can produce lightning – True or False?

3 – What is the official name of the northern lights?

4 – What is the name for cloud that touches the ground?

5 – What are measured with the Fujita Scale?

6 – Which body of water is around 34% salt and virtually impossible to swim in?

7 – What is the only ‘living’ organism that can be viewed from space?

8 – What has a nucleus, a coma, a dust tail and an ion tail?

9 – Long periods without rain are called what?

10 – What happens when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth?

Round 2 – Water

1 – What causes oceans to glow?

2 – Which is the largest ocean in the world?

3 – How much of Earth’s surface is covered in water – 30%, 50% or 70%?

4 – Which waterfall is the world’s tallest (on land)?

5 – Which body of water, located in Yorkshire is considered the most deadly stretch of water in the world?

6 – In which Ocean would you find ‘the Bermuda Triangle’?

7 – What is the chemical compound for water?

8 – What is the name for a catastrophic ocean wave?

9 – What is the name for large bodies of water that are surrounded by land?

10 – Which is the longest river in the world?

Round 3 – Trees & Plants

1 – Is Aloe Vera a plant, tree or herb?

2 – Deciduous trees do not lose their leaves in winter – True or False?

3 – What tree grows conkers?

4  – Poison ivy isn’t really poisonous – True or False?

5 – What are male parts of a flower called?

6 – What are female parts of a flower called?

7 – What type of tree is a traditional Christmas tree?

8 – Name the miniature trees that originated in China & Japan?

9 – Which carnivorous plant featured in the film ‘Little Shop of horrors’?

10 – Which group of trees have pine cones?

Round 4 – Animals & Insects

1 – What is the name for the fear of Animals?

2 – What is the fastest flying bird in the world?

3 – How many eyes do (most species) of Caterpillar have?

4 – Which insects were the first living creatures to be sent to space?

5 – What is the name for the fear of Insects?

6 – What is the male of a peafowl called?

7 – Which are the only mammals that can fly?

8 – Which animal never sleeps?

9 – What is the fastest land animal in the world?

10 – What body part do Butterflies use to taste things?

Round 5 – Under the Sea

1 – What is the world’s largest fish?

2 – How many hearts does an Octopus have?

3 – Where is a shrimp’s heart located?

4 – Which animal has the largest brain?

5 – Which fish can be lethally poisonous if not prepared properly?

6 – Which fish produces caviar?

7 – What is the most expensive fish ever sold?

8 – What is a group of dolphins called?

9 – Which underwater creatures are the only animal where the male gives birth?

10 – What is the largest crustacean in the world?




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