The Ultimate Anagrams Quiz

Rearrange the letters to form a word or phrase. Try to ace our free Anagrams quiz, which includes categories from Food & Drink, TV & Film, Countries & Places and Animals. You’ll find 50 questions divided into 5 rounds, so gather around for some puzzling quizzing.

Round 1 – TV & Film

1 – Foregone Maths

2 – A Lined Gem

3 – Performs Tug

4 – Pro Bearskin

5 – Madly Ashamed Fit

6 – Chopys

7 – Respect

8 – Crowd Oh To

9 – Acid Quids Use

10 – Ogham

Round 2 – Foods

1 – Patriot Tango

2 – Barred Host

3 – Dire Acorn

4 – Debra

5 – Deans Kebab

6 – Ape Tights

7 – Dust Ram

8 – Cool Teach

9 – Asia Money

10 – Fans Locker

Round 3 – Animals

1 – Paroled

2 – Nine Pug

3 – Orchist

4 – Ken Yom

5 – Erin Reed

6 – Cornish Roe

7 – Shore

8 – Help Nate

9 – Coco Ran

10 – Loaf Ming

Round 4 – Places

1 – Africa Lion

2 – Meg Ryan

3 – Can Ref

4 – lend Nag

5 – A Slew

6 – Earing Tan

7 – Regalia

8 – Hanged Labs

9 – Hug Ryan

10 – Nob Lane

Round 5 – Celebrities

1 – Coleman Hijacks

2 – Tings

3 – Robust Jailer

4 – Mellow Coins

5 – Tony Pollard

6 – Artsy Sheryl

7 – Ann Howdy Jones

8 – Rich Rocks

9 – Kenya Stew

10 – Teams Woman




If you liked this Anagrams quiz, have any quiz requests, spotted a mistake, or would like to let us know how you got on, please let us know in the comments below…

Claire Roach is a professional quizzer, gamer and developer who turned her passion for knowledge into a hub for FREE quizzes!

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