Kids Easy General Knowledge Quiz

The perfect Quiz to keep children aged 4 – 12 entertained, from their favourite cartoons and Disney icons to parts of the body and furry friends. Play together for free, have family fun, and broaden your child’s mind.

You’ll find 100 questions divided into 4 rounds, so gather your family for the perfect quiz night.

Round 1

1 – What is the Yellow part of an egg called?

2 – What is the first name of the Disney princess who kissed a frog?

3 – Who was the first ever Disney Princess?

4 – Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea?

5 – What food items are bangers, in the meal ‘Bangers n Mash’?

6 – Which subject does ‘Joe Wicks’ teach online?

7 – What’s the name of the cowboy in Toy Story?

8 – What’s the name of Anna and Elsa’s kingdom in Frozen?

9 – How many legs does a spider have?

10 – Nala and Simba are what kind of animals?

11 – What is the name of Princess Jasmine’s pet Tiger?

12 – What kind of animal is Baloo in the jungle book?

13 – How many days are there in one year?

14 – Name the missing season – Spring, Summer, Autumn?

15 – Diwali is also known as the festival of what?

16 – Which boy Wizard was brought to life by JK Rowling?

17 – What’s the name of a baby kangaroo?

18 – Who sings the song ‘You’re welcome’ in Moana?

19 – What type of fish is Nemo?

20 – Which cartoon series features Catboy, Owlette and Gekko?

21 – Which dinosaur was considered the most ferocious of all?

22 – What is the name of Peppa Pig’s younger brother?

23 – Which biscuits contain a blob of jam in the middle?

24 – Name the famous blue tank engine?

25 – What is the name of Dora The Explorer’s pet monkey?


Round 2

1- How many months are there in one year?

2 – What type of animal was Harry Potter’s pet?

3 – What’s the name of a baby Dog?

4 – What is the city that Aladdin lives in called?

5 – How many days a week do UK children go to school?

6 – Who is Bart Simpson’s dad?

7 – What is the CBBC show which retells unpleasant parts of history?

8 – Which holiday brings about a chocolate egg gifting Bunny?

9 – How many sides does a triangle have?

10 – Which superhero has an indestructible shield?

11 – Who wrote ‘The Cat in the Hat’?

12 – What is the Gruffalo scared of?

13 – Which holiday do we celebrate with fireworks?

14 – What is the name of Sulley’s best friend in Monsters INC?

15 – How many dwarves are there in Snow White?

16 – Where was pizza invented?

17 – What is the name of the female villain in 101 Dalmatians?

18 – Which fruit has the same name as its colour?

19 – What are the three primary colours?

20 – What type of animal is Dumbo?

21 – What did the grinch steal?

22 – What type of animal is Paddington?

23 – What type of animal is Curious George?

24 – What do tadpoles turn into?

25 – Which Marvel superhero lends her name from a poisonous spider?

Round 3

1 – How many Seasons are there in one year?

2 – What was the name of the magical school Harry potter attended?

3 – What is the name of Horrid Henrys ‘Moody archenemy’?

4 – Who is the love of Miss Piggys life?

5 – Which type of animal is Shrek’s best friend?

6 – What’s the name of a baby Pig?

7 – Who is the queen of the pop trolls?

8 – Who is the queen of the rock trolls?

9 – What language is spoken in the UK?

10 – How many sides does a hexagon have?

11 – What type of animal is Kristoff’s best friend in ‘Frozen’?

12 – What is the name for the colourful vision in the sky that appears after it has rained?

13 – From the popular Nintendo game, what is Mario’s twin brother and sidekick called?

14 – What is the name of the planet we live on?

15 – What is the name of Peter Pan’s pirate enemy?

16 – What did ‘Humpty Dumpty’ fall off?

17 – Which superhero can spin webs from his hands?

18 – Batman protects which city?

19 – Which holiday do we celebrate by dressing up scarily?

20 – What are a monkey’s favourite fruit?

21 – In PJ Masks, what is the name of Owlette’s flying vehicle?

22 – Which Paw Patrol pup is a spotty dalmatian?

23 – Which vegetable is said to help you see in the dark?

24 – What were the names of Cinderella’s wicked stepsisters?

25 – What’s the name of baby Cat?

Round 4

1 – What are the names of Harry Potter’s best friends?

2 – What is the name of Peppa Pig’s teacher?

3 – Which cartoon character has a black and white cat?

4 – What are the names of Princess Holly’s twin sisters in ‘Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom’?

5 – Which fairytale character slept for 100 years?

6 – What is the name of the carrot-nosed snowman in the film ‘Frozen’?

7 – What is the name of the cheeky little fairy from ‘Peter Pan’?

8 – What type of food do Penguins eat?

9 – What did ‘Little Bo Peep’ lose?

10 – In the Ice Age films, what is the name of the sloth?

11 – Which superhero goes green when he gets angry?

12 – How many sides does a square have?

13 – What’s the name of baby Cow?

14 – Which holiday would we expect to see Santa?

15 – What colour are the Minions?

16 – What colour are the evil Minions?

17 – In which movie would you hear the song ‘Everything is Awesome?

18 – What is the name of the little girl from ‘Monsters INC’?

19 – What is the name of the villain in Aladdin?

20 – What do caterpillars turn in to?

21 – What is the sweet food made by bees?

22 – What is the name of Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend?

23 – What type of animal is a Pug?

24 – What is the name of Horrid Henry’s perfect brother?

25 – What’s the name of a baby Sheep?




If you liked this kids quiz, have any quiz requests, spotted a mistake, or would like to let us know how you got on, please let us know in the comments below…

Claire Roach is a professional quizzer, gamer and developer who turned her passion for knowledge into a hub for FREE quizzes!


  1. Ashton Baron Reply

    I made 3 mistakes plus it was An awesome quiz


  2. Guy Pryce bradshaw Reply

    it was ok but kinda hard but it was fun which is the important thing

  3. aurelia godwin Reply

    this was incredible ! Kept me entertained this was the best

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