The Ultimate Science Quiz

Think you can ace this Science quiz? From the history of science to modern-day discoveries in physics, chemistry and biology. Think scientists, experiments and scientific hypotheses for inspiration to ace our free science quiz. You’ll find 50 questions divided into 4 rounds, so gather round for some scientific quizzing.

Round 1

1 – Whom did Albert Einstein call the “father of modern science”?

2 – What is Deoxyribonucleic Acid better known as?

3 – Which animals have 3 hearts, 9 brains, and blue blood?

4 – How many minutes does a blood cell take to do a circuit of the body – 1, 10 or 100?

5 – What is the Mpemba effect?

6 – 20% of Earth’s oxygen is produced by which rainforest?

7 – Xenon is represented as what on the periodic table?

8 – Which letter doesn’t appear on the periodic table?

9 – Which planet spins clockwise?

10 – Cu represents what metal on the periodic table?

Round 2

1 – The air in Earth’s atmosphere is made up of mostly which gas?

2 – Which process is used by plants to convert light energy into chemical energy?

3 – Radon is represented as what on the periodic table?

4 – The Earth’s crust is split into gigantic pieces called what?

5 – Which planet spins on its side?

6 – Which mammals have wings?

7 – Which scientist developed the theory of relativity?

8 – Name the only two metals that aren’t silver coloured?

9 – The rarest naturally-occurring element in the Earth’s crust is what?

10 – He represents what gas on the periodic table?

Round 3

1 – Tin is represented as what on the periodic table?

2 – Which scientist wrote the book ‘Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy’ in 1687?

3 – Air becomes what at -190°C?

4 – Mars is red because of which compound?

5 – Ne represents what gas on the periodic table?

6 – Which is the science of matter & its behaviour?

7 – Why can’t you can’t sink in the Dead Sea?

8 – Energy from food is usually measured in what?

9 – What is the fastest land animal in the world?

10 – In 1921 the Nobel Prize in Physics was won by whom?

Round 4

1 – Which Polish-French physicist and chemist conducted pioneering research on radioactivity?

2 – What is dihydrogen monoxide?

3 – What was Stephen Hawking’s IQ – 150, 160 or 180?

4 – Gold is represented as what on the periodic table?

5 – What keeps you in your seat during a loop-the-loop rollercoaster?

6 – Protons and neutrons consist of how many quarks each?

7 – How many chemical elements are there?

8 – What is the first element in the periodic table?

9 – What keeps the Moon in orbit around Earth?

10 – Mg represents what metal on the periodic table?

Round 5

1 – Palladium is represented as what on the periodic table?

2 – What theory is Charles Darwin famous for?

3 – Which female chemist helped unravel the mystery of DNA?

4 – What are the fastest spinning objects known in the universe?

5 – What is the highest scientific honour?

6 – Cs represents what metal on the periodic table?

7 – What is the only even prime number?

8 – What is the hardest metal?

9 – Who is often credited for inventing the light bulb in 1879?

10 – What is ‘Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia’ better known as?




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Claire Roach is a professional quizzer, gamer and developer who turned her passion for knowledge into a hub for FREE quizzes!

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