The Ultimate Shakespeare Quiz
Think you know a thing or two about William Shakespeare? Well, test thou knowledge. Think Poetry, Plays and world-famous characters of old for inspiration to ace our free Shakespeare quiz.
You’ll find 50 questions divided into 5 rounds, so gather round for some quizzing.
Round 1
1 – In which year was Shakespeare born?
2 – In which year did Shakespeare die?
3 – Shakespeare is known as the Bard of which town?
4 – How many sonnets did Shakespeare write – 10, 101 or 154?
5 – How many long narrative poems did Shakespeare write – 0, 3 or 9?
6 – Where was Shakespeare born and raised?
7 – How old was Shakespeare when he got married?
8 – What was the name of Shakespeare’s wife?
9 – How many children did Shakespeare have?
10 – Shakespeare named his dogs Romeo & Juliet – True or False?
Round 2
1 – What is the most famous portrait that is believed to depict Shakespeare?
2 – Shakespeare was said to have fled to London to escape prosecution for what crime?
3 – Shakespeare’s children were triplets – True or False?
4 – What animal is depicted on the Shakespeare coat of arms?
5 – Where was Shakespeare buried?
6 – Shakespeare had how many siblings – 0, 7 or 13?
7 – Shakespeare retired age 49 – True or False?
8 -Shakespeare played which part in Hamlet?
9 – Shakespeare wore a gold hoop earring – True or False?
10 – Shakespeare performed live for which king?
Round 3
1 – Name one of Shakespeare’s three children?
2 – What happened to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in 1613?
3 – Shakespeare’s wife was 8 years older than him – True or False?
4 – How many of Shakespeare’s plays are written completely in verse?
5 – What is Shakespeare’s shortest play?
6 – Shakespeare’s father was called William – True or False?
7 – Which poet was inspired by Shakespeare?
8 – What was Shakespeare’s first play?
9 – What is Shakespeare’s longest play?
10 – Shakespeare’s mother was called Mary – True or False?
Round 4
1 – Shakespeare was baptised – True or False?
2 – What was Shakespeare’s last written play?
3 – Which planet’s moons are named after Shakespeare characters?
4 – What object is Shakespeare holding on his grave marker?
5 – Which theatre company was Shakespeare part of?
6 – Shakespeare was prominent during which era?
7 – Shakespeare’s birthday is on which patron saint’s day?
8 – Shakespeare was orphaned at age 2 – True or False?
9 – Where is the Chandos portrait located?
10 – Shakespeare was deaf in one ear – True or False?
Round 5 – Name the Play
1 – “To be, or not to be: that is the question”?
2 – “Cowards die many times before their deaths”?
3 – “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose”?
4 – “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players”?
5 – “The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief”?
6 – “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown”?
7 – “All that glistens is not gold”?
8 – “We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep”?
9 – “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes”?
10 – “Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps”?
If you liked this Shakespeare quiz, have any quiz requests, spotted a mistake, or would like to let us know how you got on, please let us know in the comments below…